Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Very important blog

Listen up, people, because I am about to introduce you to a blog that discusses Very Important Things.

Crying While Eating: http://cryingwhileeating.com/

All right, this is not really a blog. It's a collection of user-submitted videos. The topic: crying while eating. You have to say why you are crying and what you are eating. I never get tired of it.

These are a few of my favorite blogs...

Runner's World "Ask Miles" http://askmiles.runnersworld.com/. It's funny, it's informative, and it gives me helpful tips for my running. They don't use fancy words, and they make it easy for me to understand.

Dan Pink's website is actually a blog. http://www.danpink.com/ After reading A Whole New Mind, I wanted to see what resources he had online. The site includes helpful videos and suggested books, magazines, website, etc. - just what I was looking for!
