Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Piece of Peace Corps

I'm very much new to the blogging world and not quite sure how to best utilize all that it has to offer. I got tuned in about three years ago when one of my good friends from college was accepted into the Peace Corps. I was able to check in on his project, his host family, and all of his adventures. I was so intrigued, I hopped on a plane to Panama to see the action with my own eyes. Here is Joe's account of his two years in rural Panama, which coincidentally ended two years ago today:

Fun Design Site

Wow - my first post. With being consumed by a large home renovation project over the last year, I found the below blog really fun - especially if you are interested in decorating. The site is full of fun web links and references lots of local resources here in Boston. Very fun. Check it out.

Joe Posnanski's blog

Joe Posnanski is the senior baseball writer for Sports illustrated but he used to be the beat reporter and columnist for the Kansas City Star. He's both a writer and a fan, and uses the blog to speak more as a fan than in his writing for SI. Definitely has a sabremetric slant.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Litagogo is an interesting blog about literary podcasts. Great if you are looking for something new to read and/or for your ipod for the long bus rides too and from work.

Sew Envious

Recently I've been looking at the blogs of people who sew and knit and do other crafty things. I get to see their cool projects for inspiration but then curse myself for not having the time, energy, or creativity to do similar cool things. I did, though, finally follow the instructions for this bag at Tiny Happy's blog:

Monday, October 5, 2009

A blog of blogs

I enjoy the Universal Hub:
It's a blog of blogs around Boston. They mock the MBTA, the Yankees, and all other things Bostonians loathe. It's full of snarky comments and in the winter they have a French toast warning system to help prepare for snowstorms. Quick, go buy bread and milk!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Very important blog

Listen up, people, because I am about to introduce you to a blog that discusses Very Important Things.

Crying While Eating:

All right, this is not really a blog. It's a collection of user-submitted videos. The topic: crying while eating. You have to say why you are crying and what you are eating. I never get tired of it.